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Test 14.05.2019
Rewrite the sentences from the active to passive voice. Use the same tenses.
1. They make these cars in Japan.
The car was made in Japan.
2. You must not drop litter in the street.
Litter must not be dropped in the street.
3. Someone smashed our window last night.
Our window was smashed last night.
4. They have already mended the TV set.
The TV set has already binn mended by them.
6. They are decorating the wall.
The wall is decorated by them.
7. You should not replace the roof.
The roof shouldn’t be replaced by you.
9. They had cooked the meal before 10 o’clock.
The meal has to be cooked by them before 10 o’clock.
10. Someone was building the wall when I was there.
The wall was being building when I was there.
11. They sell this food in every shop.
This food is selled in every shop.
Երևանի հիմնադրման պատմության էրեբունի թանգարանը, ստեղծվել է 1968թ-ի մայիսի 24-ին: Այնտեղ են գտնվում Արին բերդից, կարմիր բլուրից, շենգավիթից հայտնաբերված գտածոները: Շենքի նախագիծը արժանացել է ԽՍՀՄ ճարտարապետների միության դիպլոմի: Շենքի հեղինակներն են ճարտարապետներ Շմավոն Ազատյանը և Բաղդասար Արզումանյանը և նկարիչ Արա Հարությունյանը: Յուրաքանչհյուր տարի հազարավոր այցելուներ են գալիս այստեղ:
Internet in my life 16.04.2019
Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day. I have internet at home and I’m happy to find useful information for me. The Internet is very useful, because it is a huge database and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want - from the movies and music that you are interested in, a huge number of books, newspapers and magazines. The internet helps to learn a lot. (in a different way: the Internet helps to study) To get additional information, download the necessary essays, watch a video about some books that you have already read, all this can be done via the Internet. E-mail is one of the advantages of the Internet. This online service is cheaper than regular mail and it works much faster. I have a personal email address, so I have the opportunity to communicate with my friends from other cities and countries.
Homework 16.04.2019
1. I slept ……………………… nine o’clock.
2. I commenced work ……………………. 1st May.
3. We walked …………………… the end of the street.
4. The child has been missing ………………………. yesterday.
5. He traveled seventy miles ……………………. two hours.
6. I received this message ………………….. 7 o’clock ……………… the morning.
in, at
at, at
at, in
7. I saw him felling a big tree ……………….. a hatchet.
8. An old feud existed ………………. the two families.
9. ……………………. Peter and John, there were three other boys present.
In addition
10. He was stabbed ……………….. a lunatic ……………. a dagger.
by, with
by, by
with, by
with, with
11. She dislikes being looked …………………….
12. Don’t throw food …………………. the dog.
Either could be used here
Homework 09.04.2019
Reported speech
Example: «I will come with you» she said.
«She went to school» John said to Mary.
John told Mary, that she had to goon to school.
«I have broken my leg» Tom said.
Tom said, that he had broken his leg.
Rudyard Kipling Biography

Classwork. 22.03.2019
Ես շատ եմ սիրում, թե ծնողներիս, թե հարազատներիս, բայց առանց դպրոցի, իմ դասընկերների, իմ դասագրքերի իմ օրը այդքան հետաքրքիր չի լինի: Մենք դպրոցում օրը սկսում ենք երգերով, հայկական ավանդական պարերով, և բանաստեղծություններ կարդալով: Ես և ընկերներս հնարավորություն ունենք ընտրել մի քանի սպորտաձևեր, ինչպիսիք են բոլեյբոլը, ֆուտբոլը, բասկետբոլը, նետաձգությունը և այլն: Մեր դպրոցը մյուս դպրոցներից տարբերվում է նրանով, որ ուսուցումը կատարվում է էլեկտրոնային ձևով: Մենք բոլորս ունենք բլոգներ, որտեղ ներկայացնում ենք մեր ամենօրյա աշխատանքները: Ես դպրոցում հասկացա, թե ինչ մասնագիտություն ենք ընտրելու:
We all live in our families, and half of the day we go to school. I really think that my school is my second home, a meaningful and important part of my life.
I love my parents and my loved ones, but my schoolmates, my classmates, my textbooks will not be so exciting.We start our day with school songs, traditional Armenian dances, and reading poems.
My friends and I have the opportunity to choose a few sports, such as volleyball, football, basketball, archery, and more.
Our school differs from other schools by the fact that the teaching is done electronically.We all have blogs where we present our daily work. At school, I realized what kind of profession we would choose.
Homework 19.03.2019
Homework 15.03.2019
Translate a text
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in an Italian town called Vinci. He lived in a time period called the Renaissance, when everyone was interested in art. Even though Da Vinci was a great artist, he became famous for the other things he could do. He was a sculptor, a scientist, an inventor, an architect, a musician, and a mathematician. Da Vinci’s paintings were done in the realist style.
Լեոնարդո դա Վինչին ծնվել է Իտալիայի Վինչի քաղաքում: Նա ապրել է ժամանակաշրջանում, որը կոչվում է «Վերածնունդ», երբ բոլորը հետաքրքրված էին արվեստով: Չնայած Դա Վինչին մեծ արվեստագետ էր, նա հայտնի էր այն այլ բաների համար, որոնք նա կարող էր անել: Նա քանդակագործ էր, գիտնական, գյուտարար, ճարտարապետ, երաժիշտ եւ մաթեմատիկոս: Դա Վինչիի նկարները կատարվել են ռեալիստական ոճով:
Realism is a type of art that tries to show things exactly as they appear in life. It began in the 18th century, but the greatest realist era was in the mid – 19th century. Most realists were from France, but there were some famous American painters who were realists too.
Ռեալիզմը արվեստի տեսակ է, որը փորձում է ցույց տալ, թե ինչպես են դրանք հայտնվում կյանքում: Այն սկսվել է 18-րդ դարում, սակայն ամենամեծ ռեալիստական դարաշրջանը եղել է 19-րդ դարի կեսերին: Շատ ռեալիստներ Ֆրանսիայից էին, բայց եղել են հայտնի ամերիկացի նկարիչներ, որոնք նույնպես ռեալիստներ էին:
Translate a text:
London is the capital of England, the capital of Great Britain, and the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the largest town in Europe and one of the oldest towns in the world. The old Celts gave it its name, the Romans! made it the centre of their new colony, the Germanic invaders tried to burn and to destroy it, the victorious Normans made it the capital of the country.
Լոնդոնը Անգլիայի մայքաղաքն է, Մեծ Բրիտանիայի մայրաքաղաքը: Լոնդոնի ամենամեծ քաղաքն է Եվրոպայում և ամենահին քաղաքներից մեկն է: Կելտերն են տվել նրան այդ անունը, բայց Հռոմեացիները դարձրեցին Լոնդոնը գաղութ: Շատ տարիներ Գերմանական ցեղերը հաձակվում էին Լոնդոնի վրա, բայց նորմանները վերակուռուցեցին քաղաքը և դարձրեցին մայրաքաղաք:
Madagascar is an Island off the east coast of Africa, so it is very warm at Christmas time! Even though it’s hot, common decorations include holly, robins and snow even though none of them exist in Madagascar!
The official language of Madagascar is Malagasy. ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’ in Malagasy is ‘Mirary Krismasy sambatra sy Taona vaovao tonga lafatra ho anao’. Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages.
Most Malagasy’s only exchange small presents. In Madagascar, Santa Claus is called ‘Dadabe Noely’.
View image | gettyimages.com
Most people go to Church on Christmas Eve in Madagascar. The services start about 5.00pm and last until after midnight! Different groups in the Church, especially children, perform songs and plays celebrating the birth of Jesus. People also go to Church on Christmas Day as well. After the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service, churches give out sweets or biscuits to the people in the Church.
Here are some Malagasy Christmas Carols!
Sambasamba Zanahary (Which means ‘It’s a big opportunity Lord that you send your only Son to save us from our sin’)
Sambasamba, Zanahary
Tamin’ny nampidinanao
Ny Zanakao malalanao
Mba hisolo ny helokay
Tamin’ny nampidinanao
Ny Zanakao, malalanao, malalanao
Mba hisolo ny helokay
Tamin’ny nampidinanao
Ny Zanakao malalanao
Mba hisolo ny helokay
Tamin’ny nampidinanao
Ny Zanakao, malalanao, malalanao
Mba hisolo ny helokay
Avia Ry Mino (is the Malagsy translation of ‘Oh Come all ye Faithful’. You can try singing Avia Ry Mino on this page.)
Avia ry mino! Hifaly sy hihoby,
Avia, avia hankany Betlehema;
Teraka Jeso tompon’ny anjely
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao
Avia, avia hankany Betlehema;
Teraka Jeso tompon’ny anjely
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao
Tompon’ny Tompo, Andriananahary.
Nefa mba zana-behivavy koa
Zanak’I Maria, nefa Zanahary;
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao
Nefa mba zana-behivavy koa
Zanak’I Maria, nefa Zanahary;
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao
Derao ry anjely, mohobia mafy,
Ry mponina an-danitra ao ambony ao
Dera sy laza atolory Azy
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izayTomponao
Ry mponina an-danitra ao ambony ao
Dera sy laza atolory Azy
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izayTomponao
He arahaba, tonga aty an-tany
Ny Tompo Mpamonjy sy Mpanjaka koa,
Tenin’ny Rainy voatafy nofo,
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao!
Ny Tompo Mpamonjy sy Mpanjaka koa,
Tenin’ny Rainy voatafy nofo,
Avia hitsaoka Azy (x3) izay Tomponao!
This poem is very popular with all Malagasy Children:
Krismasy re no tonga (Christmas is coming)
Falifaly ny kilonga (Children are happy)
Krismasy tena fety (Chrismas is really a feast)
Ho an’ny kely sy vaventy (For littles and for adults)
Falifaly ny kilonga (Children are happy)
Krismasy tena fety (Chrismas is really a feast)
Ho an’ny kely sy vaventy (For littles and for adults)
On Christmas Day people (even strangers) greet each by saying ‘Arahaba tratry ny Noely’ which means ‘Merry Christmas’.
Malagasy families like to eat Christmas dinner together in large groups and dress up in the best (or new) clothes. The meal is normally Chicken or Pork with rice followed by a special cake. Some rich people go to restaurants for Christmas dinner, but most people stay at home with their families. Here are some recipes from Madagascar.
A special Christmas food in Madagascar are fresh lychees, which are bought from shops and street sellers, fresh from the trees. The streets get covered in lychee skins!
Poinsettias also grow as large outdoor shrubs in Madagascar and don’t just flower at Christmas! They are also the national emblem of Madagascar.
The history of Madagascar is distinguished clearly by the early isolation of the landmass from the ancient supercontinent containing Africa and India, and by the island’s late colonization by human settlers arriving in outrigger canoes from the Sunda islands between 200 BC and 500 AD. These two factors facilitated the evolution and survival of thousands of endemic plant and animal species, some of which have gone extinct or are currently threatened with extinction due to the pressures of a growing human population. Over the past two thousand years the island has received waves of settlers of diverse origins including Austronesian, Bantu, Arab, South Asian, Chinese and European populations. The majority of the population of Madagascar today is a mixture of Austronesian, Bantu, North Indian, Arab and Somali settlers. Centuries of intermarriages created the Malagasy people, who primarily speak Malagasy, an Austronesian language with Bantu, Malay, Arabic, French and English influences. Most of the genetic makeup of the average Malagasy, however, reflects an almost equal blend of Austronesian and Bantu influences, especially in coastal regions. Other populations often intermixed with the existent population to a more limited degree or have sought to preserve a separate community from the majority Malagasy.
By the European Middle Ages, over a dozen predominant ethnic identities had emerged on the island, typified by rule under a local chieftain. Among some communities, such as the Sakalava, Merina and Betsimisaraka, leaders seized the opportunity to unite these disparate communities and establish true kingdoms under their rule. These kingdoms increased their wealth and power through exchanges with European, Arab and other seafaring traders, whether they were legitimate vessels or pirates. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, pirate activity in the coastal areas of Madagascar was common and the celebrated free pirate colony of Libertatia was established on Île Sainte-Marie, originally populated by local Malagasy. The Sakalava and Merina kingdoms in particular exploited European trade to strengthen the power of their kingdoms, trading Malagasy slaves in exchange for European firearms and other goods. Throughout this time, European and Arab seafarers operating in the Indian Ocean traded with coastal communities, and Europeans made several unsuccessful attempts to claim and colonize the island. Beginning in the early 19th century, the British and French colonial empires competed for influence in Madagascar.
By the turn of the 19th century, King Andrianampoinimerina had reunited the highly populous Kingdom of Imerina, located in the central highlands with its capital at Antananarivo. His son, Radama I, began to exert its authority over the island’s other polities and was the first Malagasy sovereign to be recognized by a foreign power as the ruler of the greater Merina Kingdom. Over the 19th century, a series of Merina monarchs engaged in the process of modernization through close diplomatic ties to Britain that led to the establishment of European-style schools, government institutions and infrastructure. Christianity, introduced by members of the London Missionary Society, was made the state religion under Queen Ranavalona II and her prime minister, highly influential statesman Rainilaiarivony. Political wrangling between Britain and France in the 1880s saw Britain recognize France’s claim to authority on the island, leading in 1890 to the Malagasy Protectorate, which was unrecognized by the government of Madagascar. The French launched |two military campaigns known as the Franco-Hova Wars to force submission, finally capturing the capital in September 1895. This sparked the widespread Menalamba rebellion against French rule that was crushed in 1897; the monarchy was held responsible and dissolved, and the queen and her entourage exiled to Reunion and later Algeria, where she died in 1917. Following conquest, the French abolished Slavery in 1896 and approximately 500,000 slaves were freed.
The culture
The culture of Madagascar reflects the origins of the Malagasy people in Southeast Asia and East Africa. The influence of Arabs, Indians, British, French and Chinese settlers is also evident. The most emblematic instrument of Madagascar, the valiha, is a bamboo tube zither carried to the island by early settlers from southern Borneo, and is very similar in form to those found in Indonesia and the Philippines today.Traditional houses in Madagascar are likewise similar to those of southern Borneo in terms of symbolism and construction, featuring a rectangular layout with a peaked roof and central support pillar. Reflecting a widespread veneration of the ancestors, tombs are culturally significant in many regions and tend to be built of more durable material, typically stone, and display more elaborate decoration than the houses of the living. The production and weaving of silk can be traced back to the island’s earliest settlers, and Madagascar’s national dress, the woven lamba, has evolved into a varied and refined art. The Southeast Asian cultural influence is also evident in Malagasy cuisine, in which rice is consumed at every meal, typically accompanied by one of a variety of flavorful vegetable or meat dishes.African influence is reflected in the sacred importance of zebu cattle and their embodiment of their owner’s wealth, traditions originating on the African mainland. Cattle rustling, originally a rite of passage for young men in the plains areas of Madagascar where the largest herds of cattle are kept, has become a dangerous and sometimes deadly criminal enterprise as herdsmen in the southwest attempt to defend their cattle with traditional spears against increasingly armed professional rustlers.
One of the last major areas on Earth to be settled by humans, the natural beauty and ecological diversity of Madagascar makes it feel like a country forgotten by time. Located off the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar is home to thousands of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Madagascar’s extraordinary natural diversity has earned the country the nickname “the eighth continent”. A veneration of ancestry and tradition pervades the national culture, a reverence that is reflected in the country’s architecture, art and social manners. Visit the top tourist attractions in Madagascar to discover for yourself the natural, cultural and historical diversity that is Madagascar.
10. Ranomafana National Park

10. Ranomafana National Park

One of the last major areas on Earth to be settled by humans, the natural beauty and ecological diversity of Madagascar makes it feel like a country forgotten by time. Located off the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar is home to thousands of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Madagascar’s extraordinary natural diversity has earned the country the nickname “the eighth continent”. A veneration of ancestry and tradition pervades the national culture, a reverence that is reflected in the country’s architecture, art and social manners. Visit the top tourist attractions in Madagascar to discover for yourself the natural, cultural and historical diversity that is Madagascar.
9. Masoala National Park

Situated in the northeast Madagascar, the Masoala National Park covers nearly 250 miles of rainforest and includes three marine parks as well. The park features ten species of lemur, including the Aye-aye, the world’s largest nocturnal primate. The park is also home to a diverse array of birds and reptiles, including the Tomato frog, named for its bright red color. The Tampolo, Ambodilaitry and Ifaho marine parks are ideal for snorkeling and kayaking adventures.
8. Andasibe-Mantadia

Encompassing around 100 miles of land in eastern Madagascar, Andasibe-Mantadia National Park is home to eleven lemur species, including the country’s largest lemur, the Indri. Located near Madagascar’s capital city of Antananarivo, Andasibe-Mantadia is one of the easiest parks to visit. The park is split into two areas, the Mantadia National Park and the Analamazoatra Reserve. Local guides conduct 1- to 6-hour tours of either area.
7. Royal Hill of Ambohimanga

Considered one of the country’s most sacred spots by the Malagasy people for 500 years, the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga is a historical village that was once home to Madagascar royalty. The wall that surrounds the village was made in 1847 and was constructed with a mortar made of lime and egg whites. The Mahandrihono compound includes the former home of King Andrianampoinimerina, with walls made of solid rosewood, and artifacts of the island’s great king, including drums, weapons and talismans.
6. Ifaty

Ifaty is the name given to two dusty fishing villages on the coast of southwest Madagascar. Offshore, a 60-mile long coral reef is a natural barrier to rough sea waves, creating coastal waters that are ideal for diving, snorkeling and fishing. The desert inland area is known for its spiny forest, where the strange-shaped baobab trees have thrived for centuries.
5. Avenue of the Baobabs

The Avenue of the Baobabs is a group of trees lining the dirt road between Morondava and Belon’i Tsiribihina in western Madagascar. Its striking landscape draws tourists from around the world, making it one of the most visited locations in the region. The Baobab trees, up to 800 years old, did not originally tower in isolation over the landscape but stood in a dense tropical forest. Over the years, the forests were cleared for agriculture, leaving only the famous baobab trees.
4. Nosy Be

The small island of Nosy Be is one of Madagascar’s premier tourist spots attracting thousands of tourists from across the globe year round. Although Nosy Be’s beaches don’t look as picture perfect as some other tropical beaches, they do win points for tranquility, clear turquoise water and excellent seafood restaurants serving seafood diner on the sand.
3. Tsingy de Bemaraha

The Tsingy de Bemaraha Reserve lies in the southern region of Madagascar’s largest natural reserve, Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve. The word “tsingy” refers to the pinnacles that dot the park’s limestone plateau. Located near the country’s west coast, the park features a broad expanse of mangrove forest. The park is home to seven lemur species, including the Deckens sifaka, a genus of lemur notable for its creamy white fur and black face.
2. Isalo National Park

The Isalo National Park is notable for is varied terrain. Located in the central southern region of Madagascar, the park includes areas of grassland, steep canyons and sandstone formations, all dotted by occasional pools lined by palm trees. As in many of the country’s national parks, guides are required. Tours can be arranged to last as short as several hours or as long as several days.
1. Ile Sainte Marie

The Ile Sainte Marie lies off the east coast of Madagascar. The island’s array of protected bays and inlets drew pirates to Ile Sainte Marie during the 17th and 18th centuries, and the wrecks of several pirate ships can still be viewed from the shallow waters of the Baie des Forbans. Today the island is one of the top tourist attractions in Madagascar. The still, clear waters of the island’s bays make ideal spots for snorkeling. Migrating humpback whales visit the island waters during summer and early fall.
The production were made: David Poghosyan, Gegham Hakobyan, Narek Avanesyan & Alex Grigoryan
Group two: Narek Avanesyan David Poghosyan, Gor Araqelyan, Diana Atanesyan
Imagine you are on a desert island with your groupmates.
- Describe your expectations from the school trip
- Explain how you ended up on the desert island
We kill all of the pirates with hunting rifle. Then one of the pirates hurt Narek's leg, Davit use's we use first aid ki. Then, we all take our gold and we sit on raft and use compass to go back to Yerevan.
this is your scenario
You can only take four things with you. What will you choose?
Item 1: First aid kit
Reason 1: We need first aid kit because, if we get hurf, we need something to take care of the hurting place.
Item 2: Compass
Reason 2: We need compass because, if we wander in the sea or in island, we would use compass to get back to island.
Item 3: Raft
Reason 3: We need raft to escape the island.
Item 4: Hunting rifle
Reason 4: We need hunting rifle to defeat pirates from long range, that they could not hurt us with cold weapon.
- Put the paragraphs in order and make up a title for the story. Post it in your blog
10, 9, 2, 7, 4, 5, 3, 6, 8, 1.
Mrs. Knowles and her three sons were driving from Perth to Adelaide in the early hours one morning in 1988.When she saw a light flashing on the road ahead, she slowed down thinking that it was a traffic signal suddenly, a strange light seemed to be on top of the car, pulling it up off the road before dropping it down again.Feeling terrified and out of control, the family noticed a black powder seeping inside their car and smelt a horrible stench.In a state of shock, they drove to the nearest town and reported the incident to the police.Thinking that the woman must have been so tired that she was dreaming, the police gave her a cup of tea hoping to calm her down.Meanwhile, a local lorry driver following the same route as Mrs. Knowles confirmed that he has also seen the strange light in the distance.Finally, the police agreed to inspect the car and when they did, they saw the dust, smelt the smell and also noticed some small dents in the roof of the car.This story was quickly taken up by some people as proof of the presence of aliens on earth.Other people who prefer to believe in a scientific explanation have suggested that electrical forces in the atmosphere caused this and other incidents.
Marvel: Thor Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok is a 2017 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2011's Thor and 2013's Thor: The Dark World, and is the seventeenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Taika Waititi from a screenplay by Eric Pearson and the writing team of Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost, and stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor alongside Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo, and Anthony Hopkins. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor must escape the alien planet Sakaar in time to save Asgard from Hela and the impending Ragnarök.
A third Thor film was confirmed in January 2014, with Kyle and Yost beginning work on the screenplay. The involvement of Hemsworth and Hiddleston was announced that October. Waititi joined the film as director a year later, after The Dark World director Alan Taylor chose not to return. Ruffalo joined the cast reprising the role of Hulk from previous MCU films, which allowed elements of the 2006 comic storyline "Planet Hulk" to be adapted for Ragnarok. The rest of the cast, including Blanchett as Hela, was confirmed in May 2016, with Pearson's involvement revealed at the start of filming that July. Principal photography took place in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia, with the film also having exclusive use of Village Roadshow Studios in Oxenford, concluding in October 2016.
Match the antonyms. One of the words is extra one.
Optimistic- pesimistic
hard- working-lazy
Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense.
- Our family saves money for a new car by the end of the year.
- If you catch the taxi, you will meet Mary at the station.
- Father told us that he bought the tickets the day before.
- The girl waters her flowers in the morning.
- This time tomorrow they will sit in the train on their way to Chicago.
- Many reporters came to the conference yesterday.
- Don’t shout! My son is sleeping.
- He already has broken his new bicycle.
Characterize a person.
- Steve isn’t afraid of dangerous situations. He is brave.
- Ann can’t stop talking. She is talkative.
- Bogdan hates spending money. He is pennurious.
- Kate is friendly and enjoys being with other people. She is socciable.
- Harry never tells a lie. He is honnest.
a story that, or might not, be true - Legend
things that exist in a place and that people can use - ?
wanting a lot more (food/money) - Money
the highest points (of mountains) - Peaks
amazing, wonderful - Fabulous
people who lead countries - Rules
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
Nevsky Prospect Nevsky Prospect is the main and most famous street of St. Petersburg. The unique architectural ensemble of Nevsky Prospect was formed during the 18th – early 20th centuries. It starts from the bank of the Neva River, runs through the centre of the city and ends at the Neva River. The whole history of St. Petersburg can be seen in the history of the avenue. Nevsky Prospect is 4.5 km long and 25-60 m wide. The narrowest section is located from the Admiralty to the Moika River, A showing the original width of the avenue. After the construction of the Admiralty in 1704 and the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in 1710, it was decided to build a road B and hotels there or nearby the avenue each other and with the Novgorod Path, which was used by Russian merchants. The construction began on both sides at the same time, the roads were laid through the wood, and in 1760s they were connected into one road, C connecting these two important structures with , but with a turn at the Vosstaniya Square. Nevsky Prospect got its name only in 1783. The road was paved with cobble stones, D and a few rows of trees were planted along the street. It was the first street in St. Petersburg with gas lighting. By the early 20th century Nevsky Prospect had become the financial centre of Russia E as the 40 largest banks of Russia, Europe and America had their offices there. Nowadays, Nevsky Prospect is the centre of cultural and social life of St. Petersburg. There are museums, theatres, exhibition halls, cinemas, restaurants, cafés, shops F which was not as straight as it was planned.
1. and hotels there or nearby the avenue
2. showing the original width of the avenue
3. which was not as straight as it was planned
4. which were built by famous architects and
5. connecting these two important structures with
6. and a few rows of trees were planted along the street
7. as the 40 largest banks of Russia, Europe and America
Education in Germany
The responsibility for the education system in Germany lies primarily with the states, while the federal government plays a minor role. Optional Kindergarten education is provided for all children between one and six years old, after which school attendance is compulsory. The system varies throughout Germany because each state decides its own educational policies. Most children, however, first attend Grundschule from the age of six to eleven.
German secondary education includes five types of school. The Gymnasium is designed to prepare pupils for higher education and finishes with the final examination Abitur, after grade 12 or 13. The Realschule has a broader range of emphasis for intermediate pupils and finishes with the final examination Mittlere Reife, after grade 10; the Hauptschule prepares pupils for vocational education and finishes with the final examination Hauptschulabschluss, after grade 9 and the Realschulabschluss after grade 10. There are two types of grade 10: one is the higher level called type 10b and the lower level is called type 10a; only the higher-level type 10b can lead to the Realschule and this finishes with the final examination Mittlere Reife after grade 10b. This new path of achieving the Realschulabschluss at a vocationally oriented secondary school was changed by the statutory school regulations in 1981 – with a one-year qualifying period. During the one-year qualifying period of the change to the new regulations, pupils could continue with class 10 to fulfil the statutory period of education. After 1982, the new path was compulsory, as explained above.
Slide 29 Ex. c
1. Don't drop litter. Someone has to pick it up.
2. We will recycle your empty bottles. Leave them here.
3. Water is important, so don't waste it.
4. Every year, people have to clean up thousands of tonnes of oil from eaches.
5. Factories and power stations pollute the air we breathe and our water.
6. Every year, companies cut down 78 million acres of rainforest, an area larger than Poland.
Slide 28, Ex b
In 2007, politicians in Paris started a scheme to reduce pollution in the city.
People only have to pay if they use the bike for more than half an hour.
At more than 1,450 bicycle stations people can take bikes and leave them.
Some people still use cars to travel across the city.
Politicians think the Velib scheme might help to make the air in Paris cleaner.
If we don't change the situation, the problem of pollution will get bigger.
1 Grammar
While I was walking. (walk) down the street yesterday, I ..... (see) a friend of mine.
He was looking in a shop window. I started to cross the road to say hello to him. While I was crossing the road, I heard a noise. A bus was came in my direction! The bus was stoped very close to me. I was lucky it didn't hit me!
1. I'm a good player, but Steve is better than me and Jane is the best player in the school!
2. Question 1 was easy. Question 4 was easiest than question 1, and question 6 was the most exciting question of all.
3. Last night's match was exciting, but Saturday's match was more than last night's match, and Sunday's match was the ..... ever.
4. Yesterday was a bad day for me, but Thursday was ..... than Yesterday, and Friday was the ..... day of my life!
1. They ran home quickly.
2. She smiled happily.
3. My brother speaks French fluently.
4. The hairdresser cut my hair very bad.
5. I answered all the questions easily.
6. Our team played very good.
Rock and Roll
Rock and roll is a
genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the
United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, from African
American musical styles such as gospel, Jump blues, jazz, boogie woogie, and rhythm and blues, along with country music. While elements of rock and roll can be
heard in blues records from the 1920s and in country records of the 1930s, the genre did not acquire its name
until the 1950s.

the earliest rock and roll styles of the late 1940s and early 1950s, either the
piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally
replaced or supplemented by guitar in the middle to late 1950s. The
beat is essentially a blues rhythm with an accentuated backbeat, the latter almost always
provided by a snare drum. Classic rock and roll is usually
played with one or two electric guitars, a double bass or string bass or an electric bass guitar, and a drum kit.

Slide 87
Culture in mind
9. Read and listen
When you’re doing homework. Yes
When you wake up in the morning. No
When you’re walking in the street. No
When you’re feeling sad. No
When you’re feeling happy. Yes
When you’re eating. Yes
10 Vocabulary
1. Music these days is very different from 20 years ago.
2. When I hear this song, I always think about our last holiday.
3. Rap is not similar with reggae.
4. Do you believe in the power of music
to make you feel happy or sad?
5. A lot of rock music developed from
rhythm and blues.
6. This is a great song! I’m sure it’ll
go for the charts soon.
Slide 66
10 Everyday English
This is no fun at all. – Ընդհանրապես հետաքրքիր
Hang on. – Սպասիր
No, don’t worry. – Ոչ, մի անհանգստացիր
I’m not going to tell people at school, either.
– Ես չեմ պատրաստվում դպրոցում մարդկանց ասել
It’s our fault. – Դա մեր մեղքն է
Lets play a game, then. – Դե ուրեմն արի խաղ
Page. 55
3 Grammar
1. Italian is more modern than Latin.
2. The Amazon River is longer than the
3. Iceland is smaller than india .
4. For most Europeans, learning Chinese
is harder than learning Italian.
5. Sydney is farther away to my country
than from Paris.
Grammar 1
A: You weren’t at school yesterday
afternoon. Where was you?
B: I was at home. There was a football
match on television.
A: Were it a good match ?
B: No, it were ! All the players were
awful !
1. In 1950, there were (be) 199,854 people
at the World Cup Final between Brazil and Uruguay in Rio de Janiero, They are
(see) a great match – but Brazil were (not win).
2. The Swedish athlete Oskar Gomar Swann
were (become) famous when he was (win) a silver medal in shooting at the
Olympic Games in Antwerp in 1920. He was (be) 72 years old.
3. At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles,
Carl Lewis were (win) four gold medals.
4. In the first round of the long jump,
Lewis was (jump) 8.54 metres. After that, he was (stop). Nobody can beat me, he
were (say).
5. I was (go) to the cinema last night, but
I was (not enjoy) the film very much.
6. A: What was James were (say) to you
B: He were (not say) anything !
7. A: Were you was (see) Alice last nigt?
B: No, I was (not see) Alice, but I was
(see) Jenny.
Grammar 2
Ex. C
1) In 1990, Erin was in a car
2) A lot of people in Hinkley were sick.
3) The drinking water in Hinkley wasn’t
4) There was chromium in the water.
5) The bosses at Pacific Gas and Electric weren’t
Grammar 2
Ex. D
1) Was Erin Brockovich British?
2) Was it here job to drive a car for the
law company?
3) Were there lots of papers about sick
people in Hinkley?
4) Was the water in hinkley clean?
5) Were a lot of people in Hinkley sick?
6) Was the film Erin Brockovich successful?
Page 25 . 1.A.
2) My ancle
lives in that house over there.
3) Do you
like listening to CDs?
4) Alex and Sarah playing computer games every
5) My father do not like the same music as me.
6) Our teacher hardly ever gived us a lot of homework.
7) A: Thas your mother worked on Saturdays.
B: Yes she worked on Saturdays.
8) A: Do they writed a lot of emails?
B: No, they not writed.
9) I do not get up early at the weekend.
Օգնություն հիվանդանոցում
Էջ 19
Բրիտանիայում ամեն տարի մեծ թվով երիտասարդներ
ավարտում են դպրոցը և նախքան աշխատելը կամ համալսարան ընդունվելը, մեկ տարի հանգստանում
են: Նրանցից որոշները գնում են այլ երկրներ և աշխատում են որպես կամավոր: Կամավորները
իրենց ժամանակը տրամադրում են մարդկանց օգնելու համար, օրինակ՝ աշխատում են դպրոցներում
կամ հիվանդանոցներում կամ օգնում են պահպանողական գործերում: Մայք Քոլմենը տասնինը
տարեկան է և ապրում է Անգլիայում՝ Կանտերբուրիում: Նա ցանկանում է ուսուցիչ դառնալ,
բայց հիմա ապրում է Նամիբիայում: Նա աշխատում է Կատիմա Մուլիլոյի մոտակայքում գտնվող
հիվանդանոցում: Նա ասում է.
-Ես աշխատում եմ բժիշկների և բուժքույրերի հետ
միասին հիվանդներին օգնելու համար: Ես բժիշկ չեմ, բայց ես շատ բանով կարող եմ օգնել,
օրինակ՝ ես օգնում եմ տեղափոխել մարդկանց, ովքեր քայլել չեն կարողանում: Երբեմն նաև
այցելում եմ գյուղեր շարժական հիվանդանոցների շրջանակներում: Այստեղ շատ բժիշկներ չկան,
ուստի նրանք ինձ նման մարդկանցից օգնության կարիք ունեն: Ես բավարար գումար չեմ ստանում,
բայց դա ոչինչ: Ես գումարի համար չէ որ այստեղ եմ: Ես այստեղ եմ երկու ամսով, ապրում
եմ մի փոքր տան մեջ ևս հինգ կամավորների հետ: Աշխատանքը ծանր է, իսկ օրերը՝ երկար,
բայց ես այստեղ վայելում եմ կյանքս: Ես շատ բան եմ սովորում Հարավային Աֆրիկայի կյանքի
և իմ մասին: Երբ ավարտեմ երկու ամսվա այս աշխատանքը, ցանկանում եմ ճամփորդել Նամիբիայում
և նրա շուրջը, օրինակ՝ ցանկանում եմ Բոթսվանայում Օկվանգո Դելտայի կենդանիները տեսնել:
1) Sarah, Caroline and Nadia are all 14
years old. (True)
2) They don’t study languages. (False)
3) All the clubs meet after school. (False)
4) Caroline plays the trombone in the school
orchestra. (True)
5) Sarah is in a sailing club. (True)
6) The girls parents organize all the school
clubs. (True)
7) Their parents have to pay for the girls to be in a club. (False)
8) There is a photography club at the
school. (False)
Ողջույն ես Լիզա Ֆրանկլին եմ: Ես Բրիտանացի
եմ և ապրում եմ Սոութհամփթոնում: Ես 15 տարեկան եմ: Ես սիրում եմ սպորտ: Իմ սիրելի
հոբբին նկարչությունն է: Ես նաև սիրում եմ լուսանկարել: (Ես լուսանկարչական ակումբից
եմ դպրոցում) և ես հաճույք եմ ստանում հեծանիվ վարելուց: Ես սիրում եմ հեռուստացույցով
դիտել սպորտ, հատկապես թենիս: Ես իսկապես սիրում եմ Ռաֆաել Նադալին:
Իմ մտերիմ ընկերուհին Սոնիան է: Մենք շատ ենք
լսում երաժշտություն և մենք հաճախ կինոթատրոն ենք գնում միասին: Նրա սիրելի դերասանը
Բեն Ստիլլեռն է: Ես կարծում եմ, որ նա շատ զվարճալի է, բայց իմ սիրելի դերասանն է Ջոննի
Wales is a country that
is part of the United
Kingdom and the island of Great
Britain. The name Wales comes from the Cymraeg word Gwalia, meaning in
English "Homeland". It later became Latinized as Walia, then by
the Normans to something like Wal~es....then Wales. Wales is a
mountainous country on the western side of Great Britain.
Wales is bordered by England to the east, the Bristol Channel to the south, St
George's Channel in the west, and the Irish Sea to the north. Wales is one
of the four parts of the United
Kingdom (along with England, Scotland, and
Northern Ireland).
Wales has not been politically independent since 1282, when
it was conquered by King Edward I of
Wales does not issue its own currency and is not in control
of any armed forces. These are the powers of the national government of the UK.
Country Facts
dragon on a green and white field.
sq km
Cardiff (Caerdydd)
Swansea (Abertawe) and Newport (Casnewydd)
Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau
(Land Of My Fathers) |
Pound Sterling (£)
Snowdon 1085
metres (3559 ft)
(Tywi) 103 km (64 miles)
(4.4 sq km)
Գիշերային ակումբ
Shoe shop
Կոշիկների խանութ
Clothes shop
Հագուստի խանութ
Post office
I sometimes
play football after school.
My teachers
usually give us homework on Friday afternoons.
I sometimes
go to the cinema at the weekend.
My best
friend sometimes comes to my house at the weekend.
I sometimes
watch TV in the morning.
Page. 55
3 Grammar
1. Italian is more modern than Latin.
2. The Amazon River is longer than the
3. Iceland is smaller than india .
4. For most Europeans, learning Chinese
is harder than learning Italian.
5. Sydney is farther away to my country
than from Paris.
Grammar 1
A: You weren’t at school yesterday
afternoon. Where was you?
B: I was at home. There was a football
match on television.
A: Were it a good match ?
B: No, it were ! All the players were
awful !
1. In 1950, there were (be) 199,854 people
at the World Cup Final between Brazil and Uruguay in Rio de Janiero, They are
(see) a great match – but Brazil were (not win).
2. The Swedish athlete Oskar Gomar Swann
were (become) famous when he was (win) a silver medal in shooting at the
Olympic Games in Antwerp in 1920. He was (be) 72 years old.
3. At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles,
Carl Lewis were (win) four gold medals.
4. In the first round of the long jump,
Lewis was (jump) 8.54 metres. After that, he was (stop). Nobody can beat me, he
were (say).
5. I was (go) to the cinema last night, but
I was (not enjoy) the film very much.
6. A: What was James were (say) to you
B: He were (not say) anything !
7. A: Were you was (see) Alice last nigt?
B: No, I was (not see) Alice, but I was
(see) Jenny.
Grammar 2
Ex. C
1) In 1990, Erin was in a car
2) A lot of people in Hinkley were sick.
3) The drinking water in Hinkley wasn’t
4) There was chromium in the water.
5) The bosses at Pacific Gas and Electric weren’t
Grammar 2
Ex. D
1) Was Erin Brockovich British?
2) Was it here job to drive a car for the
law company?
3) Were there lots of papers about sick
people in Hinkley?
4) Was the water in hinkley clean?
5) Were a lot of people in Hinkley sick?
6) Was the film Erin Brockovich successful?
Page 25 . 1.A.
2) My ancle
lives in that house over there.
3) Do you
like listening to CDs?
4) Alex and Sarah playing computer games every
5) My father do not like the same music as me.
6) Our teacher hardly ever gived us a lot of homework.
7) A: Thas your mother worked on Saturdays.
B: Yes she worked on Saturdays.
8) A: Do they writed a lot of emails?
B: No, they not writed.
9) I do not get up early at the weekend.
Page.23 . B
Օգնություն հիվանդանոցում
Էջ 19
Բրիտանիայում ամեն տարի մեծ թվով երիտասարդներ
ավարտում են դպրոցը և նախքան աշխատելը կամ համալսարան ընդունվելը, մեկ տարի հանգստանում
են: Նրանցից որոշները գնում են այլ երկրներ և աշխատում են որպես կամավոր: Կամավորները
իրենց ժամանակը տրամադրում են մարդկանց օգնելու համար, օրինակ՝ աշխատում են դպրոցներում
կամ հիվանդանոցներում կամ օգնում են պահպանողական գործերում: Մայք Քոլմենը տասնինը
տարեկան է և ապրում է Անգլիայում՝ Կանտերբուրիում: Նա ցանկանում է ուսուցիչ դառնալ,
բայց հիմա ապրում է Նամիբիայում: Նա աշխատում է Կատիմա Մուլիլոյի մոտակայքում գտնվող
հիվանդանոցում: Նա ասում է.
-Ես աշխատում եմ բժիշկների և բուժքույրերի հետ
միասին հիվանդներին օգնելու համար: Ես բժիշկ չեմ, բայց ես շատ բանով կարող եմ օգնել,
օրինակ՝ ես օգնում եմ տեղափոխել մարդկանց, ովքեր քայլել չեն կարողանում: Երբեմն նաև
այցելում եմ գյուղեր շարժական հիվանդանոցների շրջանակներում: Այստեղ շատ բժիշկներ չկան,
ուստի նրանք ինձ նման մարդկանցից օգնության կարիք ունեն: Ես բավարար գումար չեմ ստանում,
բայց դա ոչինչ: Ես գումարի համար չէ որ այստեղ եմ: Ես այստեղ եմ երկու ամսով, ապրում
եմ մի փոքր տան մեջ ևս հինգ կամավորների հետ: Աշխատանքը ծանր է, իսկ օրերը՝ երկար,
բայց ես այստեղ վայելում եմ կյանքս: Ես շատ բան եմ սովորում Հարավային Աֆրիկայի կյանքի
և իմ մասին: Երբ ավարտեմ երկու ամսվա այս աշխատանքը, ցանկանում եմ ճամփորդել Նամիբիայում
և նրա շուրջը, օրինակ՝ ցանկանում եմ Բոթսվանայում Օկվանգո Դելտայի կենդանիները տեսնել:
1) Sarah, Caroline and Nadia are all 14
years old. (True)
2) They don’t study languages. (False)
3) All the clubs meet after school. (False)
4) Caroline plays the trombone in the school
orchestra. (True)
5) Sarah is in a sailing club. (True)
6) The girls parents organize all the school
clubs. (True)
7) Their parents have to pay for the girls to be in a club. (False)
8) There is a photography club at the
school. (False)
Ողջույն ես Լիզա Ֆրանկլին եմ: Ես Բրիտանացի
եմ և ապրում եմ Սոութհամփթոնում: Ես 15 տարեկան եմ: Ես սիրում եմ սպորտ: Իմ սիրելի
հոբբին նկարչությունն է: Ես նաև սիրում եմ լուսանկարել: (Ես լուսանկարչական ակումբից
եմ դպրոցում) և ես հաճույք եմ ստանում հեծանիվ վարելուց: Ես սիրում եմ հեռուստացույցով
դիտել սպորտ, հատկապես թենիս: Ես իսկապես սիրում եմ Ռաֆաել Նադալին:
Իմ մտերիմ ընկերուհին Սոնիան է: Մենք շատ ենք
լսում երաժշտություն և մենք հաճախ կինոթատրոն ենք գնում միասին: Նրա սիրելի դերասանը
Բեն Ստիլլեռն է: Ես կարծում եմ, որ նա շատ զվարճալի է, բայց իմ սիրելի դերասանն է Ջոննի
Wales is a country that
is part of the United
Kingdom and the island of Great
Britain. The name Wales comes from the Cymraeg word Gwalia, meaning in
English "Homeland". It later became Latinized as Walia, then by
the Normans to something like Wal~es....then Wales. Wales is a
mountainous country on the western side of Great Britain.
Wales is bordered by England to the east, the Bristol Channel to the south, St
George's Channel in the west, and the Irish Sea to the north. Wales is one
of the four parts of the United
Kingdom (along with England, Scotland, and
Northern Ireland).
Wales has not been politically independent since 1282, when
it was conquered by King Edward I of
Wales does not issue its own currency and is not in control
of any armed forces. These are the powers of the national government of the UK.
Country Facts
dragon on a green and white field.
sq km
Cardiff (Caerdydd)
Swansea (Abertawe) and Newport (Casnewydd)
Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau
(Land Of My Fathers) |
Pound Sterling (£)
Snowdon 1085
metres (3559 ft)
(Tywi) 103 km (64 miles)
(4.4 sq km)
Գիշերային ակումբ
Shoe shop
Կոշիկների խանութ
Clothes shop
Հագուստի խանութ
Post office
I sometimes
play football after school.
My teachers
usually give us homework on Friday afternoons.
I sometimes
go to the cinema at the weekend.
My best
friend sometimes comes to my house at the weekend.
I sometimes
watch TV in the morning.
Armchair – Բազկաթոռ
Bath - Լոգասենյակ
Bed - Մահճակալ
Chair - Աթոռ
Cooker - Գազոջախ
Cupboard - Պահարան
Fridge - Սառնարան
Shower - Ցնցուղ
Sink - Լվացարան
Sofa - Բազմոց
Table - Սեղան
Toilet - Սանհանգույց
Window - Պատուհան
Armchair – Բազկաթոռ
Bath - Լոգասենյակ
Bed - Մահճակալ
Chair - Աթոռ
Cooker - Գազոջախ
Cupboard - Պահարան
Fridge - Սառնարան
Shower - Ցնցուղ
Sink - Լվացարան
Sofa - Բազմոց
Table - Սեղան
Toilet - Սանհանգույց
Window - Պատուհան
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